We walked into the Civil Affairs office around 2:30 pm and found a lot of people with crying babies. Evan never cried, so I was hoping Sydney wouldn't either. I cannot imagine how scared these little ones are being handed off to strangers and sent home with them. Anyway, we were ushered into a private office to wait. Mike walked around to take video and pictures of everyone. I think we saw Sydney at the same time (I was peering through the blinds searching for her). They brought her in, handed her to me, and she started crying almost uncontrollably immediately! Poor little thing! I had to take care of some paperwork, so Mike and Evan were finally able to console her. When her nanny came back in, she didn't even cry.
She is still in diapers at night and drinks 2 bottles a day with regular table food. She's wearing about 18 month clothes and is smaller than I thought she would be. Evan loves her - as do we. She was quite apprehensive but has begun warming up. We've even gotten some smiles and a laugh or two. She loves toys, especially bright, loud ones. We found that she loves Honey Nut Cheerios as she ate all the ones we took with us. Her nanny said that she loves anything sweet. Like mother, like daughter.
We have so much to do, so we'll post more later.
Praising God for your beautiful new blessing!!!! Made me all teary this morning. She's absolutely beautiful and sounds amazing. So glad to hear that she and Evan are doing so well together:-) She looks so tiny!!!
Enjoy your beautiful girls!!!
The Malone's
CONGRATULATIONS! She is absolutely precious! Evan is going to be such a wonderful big sister. We can't wait to meet little Sidney!
Congratulations! You finally get to hold your little girl!!! Wow, I didn't expect to get so emotional over someone else's blog, but I guess it's just bringing back so many memories of our time in China around this time last year. And with Sydney being just a tad bit older than Micalee was on our Gotcha Day, I know the emotions you are going through seeing her so upset with the change. I think it's harder on these kids at this age. At least it seemed to be in our case. I wish you the smoothest of transitions possible. She is beautiful & I love the picture of Evan trying to console her! She is going to make the best big sister ever!!!
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