Sunday, August 15, 2010

Visit to the Cardiologist

Sydney was born with two holes in her heart (a VSD and an ASD). This is more than likely the reason she was left at the front door of a local doctor's house at 8 months old. She had open heart surgery and was on a heart/lung machine at 8 months. She was a serious scar but is in great shape! A few weeks ago we took her to a pediatric cardiologist to make sure her body has healed properly - and it has. She fought the EKG and the taking of her vital signs but didn't seem to mind the echocardiogram too much. Dr. Jackson said she looked great and shouldn't have any problmes down the road. She will probably NEVER be an olympic swimmer, but I don't imagine we have to worry about that. We will continue to see him once a year until she's 18 just to make sure all is well. Dr. Jackson is at LSU Health Sciences Center which is our local charity hospital. There are some hoops to jump through, but we were very pleased with the experience. Both girls even got a very cute and NEW stuffed animal.
We took her to JulieAnne's Bakery afterwards for lunch and a cookie for being such a trooper.
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