We've never braved the maze before because I'm afraid I will get claustrophobic when I can't find the exit. This time we ran into one of the 'Corn Cops', Spencer, who is the son of some friends of ours. He encouraged us to go, so I told him we would go if he would come guide us out after about 10 minutes. He would give the girls true/false questions to guide them. About 20 minutes into the maze, Julie and I were ready to make our own path out!! We had been there for 3 hours and were ready to go home. Finally!! 25 minutes after entering the maze, we made it out (with Spencer's help)! I think they need a sign at the exit you can take a picture by (of course, for all those bloggers) that says "I survived the Corn Maize"!
Wow! You are fast geting your post on! We had fun today. I'm glad you came with us. Our adventures are usually more fun when Evan is there too.
Okay, I'm back because i couldn't remember what oscar's name was. Anyway, I love the background! I didn't see that one yet. Too cute!
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