My friend Julie tagged me earlier in the week with a great, truly revealing tag, but I will NEVER get to it. THIS one I can do, though. You are supposed to post the 4th picture from your 4th picture album.
This picture was taken March 12, 2005. I love that smile and rosy cheeks. We had been home from China less than a week. The shoes she is wearing were purchased in Guanzhou and had sqeakers in them. We always knew where she was!! I have loved each age, but I sure am glad she's 4 (almost 5).
TAG! It's your turn!
Awwwww....that picture is adorable. Where in the heck did our babies go:-( It's hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since we saw their beautiful faces for the fist time.
Hope all is well with you guys. Are you ready for Disney next month???
That pic is too cute! I love the rosy cheeks too. Thanks again for the cake and letting the girls hang with ya'll yesterday afternoon.
This pictures is darling! My cousin was living in China for a while and sent Paige a pair of those squeaker shoes. She loved them too!
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