Mike & I started celebrating my birthday as soon as we dropped Evan off at her slumber party Thursday night. My present (portable speakers for my Iphone) had c0me in the mail, so we played around with it. I cannot wait to listen to Pandora on them. The sound is awesome! We went to a movie and then made a run for the border. I was telling Mike how much a late night visit to Taco Bell reminded me of college. He asked me if 10 pm could really be considered late night. Hmmm - I guess I'm showing my age! Friday morning we crashed Sarah-Anne's party at the park and then went to lunch at my favorite restaurant - Yeero Yeero! I love Greek food. Since I'd taken most of the day off, I actually got to take a nap! As Mike left for work, Evan & I headed to the pool for the evening. She was disappointed that none of her friends were able to go, but we had a great time together. Evan & I spent Saturday with MiMi, PaPa and Big Girl. While we were there, we took pictures of Evan in my wedding dress and train. Her beautifully tanned skin looks so pretty next to the white satin. It was a great birthday!
16 years ago
1 comment:
Happy Birthday!!
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